ENPOWER – Power in our hands
Energy Activated Citizens and Data-Driven Energy-Secure Communities for a Consumer-Centric Energy System ENPOWER is a Horizon Europe project initiative which will design, develop and demonstrate SSH-driven methodologies, interactive and closed-loop tools, and data-driven services for energy-activated citizens and energy-secure cross-sector communities towards a citizen-centric energy system. We combine leading-edge ICTs with social/behavioural dimensions and with […]
Electricity distribution system innovations
The European Union’s electricity sector is at a key moment, as the integration of sustainability and renewable energy sources require new innovative solutions that contribute to increased efficiency and security of energy production and distribution.
Community Engagement in The Energy Transition
There are many definitions for community engagement but in its simplest terms community engagement seeks to better engage citizens to achieve long-term and sustainable results, processes, relationships or implementation.
Hydrogen economy
Climate neutrality is the goal that the EU have set by 2050. Hydrogen could play a central role in helping the world reach net-zero emissions. Hydrogen is the simplest element, and the most abundant substance in the universe.
Energy Storage Systems
As renewables have become increasingly prominent on the electrical grid, energy storage has a key role to play in the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy.